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Official Announcement: Domain Acquisition by Mr. Chuck Harper

Date: January 16, 2024

In a significant development within the digital domain landscape, it has been officially announced that Mr. Chuck Harper has acquired the rights to the ICOM UAE domain names ICOM-UAE.ORG and ICOMUAE.ORG. This acquisition, effective as of January 1, 2024, marks a notable shift in the ownership and management of these domains.

Mr. Harper, a prominent Visionary Entrepreneur & Strategic Thinker, has established a reputation for his strategic acquisitions and effective management of digital assets. The acquisition of the ICOM UAE domain names ICOM-UAE.ORG and ICOMUAE.ORG is expected to enhance the value and operational efficiency of these domains.

In light of this acquisition, it is important for stakeholders, partners, and interested parties to note that any transactions, inquiries, or activities pertaining to these domains will henceforth be managed and authorized by Mr. Chuck Harper. All prior agreements, contracts, or understandings related to these domains are subject to review and potential modification under the new ownership.

This acquisition underscores Mr. Harper's commitment to expanding his portfolio and influence in the digital domain arena. It also signals his dedication to maintaining and improving the standards of service and reliability associated with these domains.

For further inquiries or details regarding this transition, parties are advised to contact Mr. Harper's office directly. Official communication channels and procedures will be provided to ensure seamless coordination and engagement with all relevant entities.

Frahan Al Malek
Domain Specialist & Consultant at DomainFacilitators